Grade 5 - Claim 1 - Target G
Target G
Convert like measurement units within a given measurement system.
Sample Item
Grade 5Test
Claim 1
Concepts and Procedures
Convert among different-sized standard measurement units within a given measurement system (e.g., convert 5 cm to 0.05 m), and use these conversions in solving multi-step, real world problems.
Tasks for this target ask students to convert measurements and should be used to provide context for the assessment of 5.NBT Target D. Some tasks will involve contextual problems and will contribute evidence for...
Range Achievement Level Descriptors
Evidence Required
The student converts units of linear measure within a single measurement system.
The student converts units of weight/mass measure within a single measurement system.
The student converts units of liquid volume measure within a single measurement system.
The student converts units of time measure within a single measurement system.
Item Guidelines
Depth of Knowledge
Recall includes the recall of information such as fact, definition, term, or a simple procedure, as well as performing a simple algorithm or applying a formula. That is, in mathematics a one-step, well-defined, and straight algorithmic procedure should be...
Allowable Item Types
- Equation/Numeric
Allowable Stimulus Materials
Key/Construct Relevant Vocabulary
mass, weight, length, time, kilometer, meter, centimeter, kilogram, gram, liter, milliliter, inch, foot, yard, mile, ounce, pound, cup, pint, quart, gallon, hour, minute, second
Allowable Tools
Target-Specific Attributes
Metric or customary units (length, mass, liquid, time) Measurement conversions are within a single system including kilometer (km), meter (m), centimeter (cm), kilogram (kg), gram (g), liter (L), milliliter (mL), inch (in), foot (ft), yard...
Item writers should consider the following Language and Visual Element/Design guidelines [1] when developing items. Language Key Considerations: Use simple, clear, and easy-to-understand language needed to assess the construct or aid in the understanding of the...
Development Notes
Some tasks will involve contextual problems and will contribute evidence for Claim 2 or Claim 4.
Task Models
Task Model 1a
Item Types
Equation/NumericDepth of Knowledge
Target Evidence Statement
The student converts units of linear measure within a single measurement system.
Allowable Tools
Task Description
Prompt Features: The student is prompted to convert a unit of linear measure to a larger or smaller unit within the same system. Stimulus Guidelines: Measurement conversions are within a single system including kilometer (km), meter...
The stem presents a length measurement in customary units.
Example 1
Example Stem: Enter the number of inches equal to 7 yards.
Rubric: (1 point) The student correctly converts from one measurement to another measurement (e.g., 252).