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Grade 4 - Claim 3 - Target 4

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English Language Arts

Target 4


Interpret and use information delivered orally.

Sample Item

Grade 4


Claim 3

Speaking & Listening

Students can employ effective speaking and listening skills for a range of purposes and audiences.


Grade 4




  • SL-2

    Paraphrase portions of a text read aloud or information presented in diverse media and formats, including...

  • SL-3

    Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points.


All items are text-dependent. No item is answerable without listening to the presentation. As much as possible, items should allude to content presented in the stimulus, or if necessary, content may be paraphrased. Items may...

Range Achievement Level Descriptors

Evidence Required

  • 1

    The student will identify or interpret the purpose, central idea, or key points of a presentation.

  • 2

    The student will identify the use of supporting evidence in a presentation.

  • 3

    The student will draw and/or support a conclusion based on content in a presentation.

Item Guidelines

Depth of Knowledge

  • L-DOK1

    Level 1 requires students to receive or recite facts or to use simple skills or abilities. Basic comprehension of a read text is included. Items require only a shallow understanding of an audio presentation and often consist of verbatim recall...

  • L-DOK2

    Level 2 includes the engagement of some mental processing beyond recalling or reproducing a response; it requires both comprehension and subsequent processing of a read text or portions of that text. Intersentence analysis of inference is required. Some important concepts...

  • L-DOK3

    Deep knowledge becomes more of a focus at Level 3. Students are encouraged to go beyond the read text; however, they are still required to show understanding of the ideas in the text. Students may be encouraged to explain, generalize,...

Allowable Item Types

  • Multiple Choice, single correct response
  • Multi-Select, multiple correct response
  • Evidence-based Select Response, two-part multiple choice response (EBSR);
  • Matching Tables


  • Passages

    Stimuli are audio presentations* that may include images. Presentations are one minute in length. The presentation must have a main idea and supporting details. The presentation may make points and support them with reasons. The presentation may contain an opinion with...

  • Text Complexity

    The spoken texts of presentations should be at grade level and may be of low to high complexity.


Students will be required to listen to grade-level spoken texts and use a mouse. Students with physical impairments may need to use an adapted mouse or others a computer with eye scanning capabilities. Students...

Task Models

Task Model 1

  • Item Types

    Multiple Choice, single correct response
  • Depth of Knowledge

    L-DOK1, L-DOK2, L-DOK3

Target Evidence Statement

  • The student will identify or interpret the purpose, central idea, or key points of a presentation.

  • The student will identify the use of supporting evidence in a presentation.

  • The student will draw and/or support a conclusion based on content in a presentation.

Task Description

For each of the evidence statements, the answer choices will present four options of similar structure. The correct answer will be clearly discernible. The distractors will be details from the presentation or statements that...

Appropriate Stems

Description for Evidence Statement 1: The item stem will pose a question that requires the student to identify or interpret the purpose, central idea, or key points of the presentation. Appropriate Stems: What is the most likely...

Scoring Rules

Correct response: 1 point; Incorrect response: 0 points