Grade 4 - Claim 1 - Target 2
English Language Arts
Target 2
Central Ideas
Sample Item
Grade 4Test
Claim 1
Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and...
Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text; summarize the...
Items may assess a theme or central idea/main idea in the text. Items will not ask students to summarize the entire text; students will summarize a key event(s) or idea(s). Items may assess the key details...
Range Achievement Level Descriptors
Evidence Required
The student will determine a theme or central idea/main idea of a text using supporting evidence.
Item Guidelines
Depth of Knowledge
Level 2 includes the engagement of some mental processing beyond recalling or reproducing a response; it requires both comprehension and subsequent processing of text or portions of text. Intersentence analysis of inference is required. Some important concepts are covered but...
Deep knowledge becomes more of a focus at Level 3. Students are encouraged to go beyond the text; however, they are still required to show understanding of the ideas in the text. Students may be encouraged to explain, generalize, or...
Allowable Item Types
- Multiple Choice, single correct response
- Multi-Select, multiple correct response
- Evidence-based Select Response, two-part multiple choice response (EBSR);
- Hot Text, select text
- Short Text, constructed response (WR)
Texts will contain one or more themes, central ideas, main ideas, and/or key events. Refer to Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: English Language Arts & Literacy Computer Adaptive Test (CAT) and Performance Task (PT) Stimulus Specifications for more information on literary text...
Dual-Text Stimuli
When a dual-text set contains one literary and one informational text, the literary text (text #1) is the primary focus, and the set of items must include items from the literary stimulus as well as items written across both texts....
Refer to the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium: Usability, Accessibility, and Accommodations Guidelines for information on accessibility.
Task Models
Task Model 1
Item Types
Multiple Choice, single correct responseDepth of Knowledge
Target Evidence Statement
The student will determine a theme or central idea/main idea of a text using supporting evidence.
Task Description
The item stem will pose a question that requires the student to 1) determine a theme or central idea/main idea, 2) identify a key event or idea that supports a theme or central idea/main...
Appropriate Stems
Which sentence best [tells/shows/describes] the [theme/main idea] of the passage? Which sentence best [tells/shows/describes] the [theme/main idea] of the [story/poem] told by the [narrator/speaker]? Which sentence best [tells/shows/describes] the [author’s/character’s name’s] message about [provide a theme/main...
Appropriate Stems for Dual-Stimuli
What [theme/main idea] can be found in both [title text #1] and [title text #2]? NOTE: This stem can only be used with two literary passages. What [theme/main idea] from [title text #1] is made clear...
Scoring Rules
Correct response: 1 point; Incorrect response: 0 points